Apr 21, 2008

HiPhone i32 - The Newest iClone To Improve Upon iPhone Technology

Chinese manufacturers have taken notice of consumer demand for the innovative technology of the iPhone. Few can argue that the iPhone's touch screen and the ability to house web browsing, MP3, MP4, video, and camera capabilities into one sleek and small phone is a very useful idea.

The iPhone, however, had a few snags that along with its high price, made some consumers understandably nervous. Chinese manufacturers took note of this and took immediate action, addressing and fixing the iPhone's problem areas and bringing the price down to a reasonable level. It is for these reasons that Chinese mobile phone manufacturers are enjoying a great deal of success right now.

The HiPhone i32 is a shining example of one of the most popular Chinese iClones. With its "99% iPhone slogan," the HiPhone has established itself as a leader among clones. With it's standard 3.5 inch high resolution touch screen, it's seamless web browsing, video, music, photo, webcam, and Bluetooth capabilities, the HiPhone is loaded with features. However, it is the phone's ability to improve upon the iPhone that has made consumers take notice.

The HiPhone has added an additional sim card to the iPhone's design. This is appealing to consumers who carry two cell phones or who have two mobile phone numbers. There is no need to turn off the phone to access either sim.

The HiPhone requires no software. The phone will recognize any sim worldwide.

Addressing complaints that the iPhone requires you to take it to the dealer when the battery dies, the HiPhone includes a removable battery and has again improved upon the iPhone by adding additional surround sound speakers.

Perhaps the most popular features of this phone are: the ability to use your own carrier; the slide unlock feature; and the HiPhone's "shake technology". If you're listing to music on the HiPhone and want to move on to another song, you do not need to look down or scroll through. You simply slightly shake the phone and the phone will move the music forward.

At about $150, the HiPhone is already very competitively priced. This price will probably come down even more once more phones become available. Considering the pretty decent savings over the basic cost of an iPhone (not even counting AT&T service), the HiPhone is attractive to consumers who don't want to pay top dollar for the hottest phone technology on the market today.

Author: Rae Edwards
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